Lola Mercedes Parker
According to Vol. I of the History of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated (1929 – 1958), page 43, Regional Directors were elected at the first National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois August 18-20, 1933. It was the Regional Directors’ responsibility to preside over their respective Regions. These contacts enabled the Directors to nurture chapters, to reactivate inactive chapters and secure information leading to the establishment of new chapters. The Eastern Region’s first Regional Director was Florence K. Williamson Norman, Gamma Chapter. First Eastern Regional Conference was held April 24-25, 1937 at the YWCA, Philadelphia, PA.

Iota’s original constitution provided for four (4) regions: North, South, East, and West. A 1946 revision increased the regions to six (6): Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, Southwestern, and Far Western. It was decided that the Eastern Region would encompass all of the states in the North East, Mid-Atlantic, Tidewater Virginia areas, West Virginia, and the city of Columbus, Ohio. Columbus was subsequently moved to the Central Region. Early in 1980, the Virgin Islands was added to the Eastern Region. Thus, the Eastern Region includes: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Saint Thomas, VI, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Omicron Chapter at the 85th Eastern Regional Conference.

Zeta Mu Chapter at the 85th Eastern Regional Conference.

Delta Phi Chapter and the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
during Delta Phi's 2021 Fall Week.
As Iota grew, the Eastern Region has been the home of six (6) National Presidents/White Rose Queens: 3rd National President, Jeanne Scott Rhodes, Pi Chapter, 1950-1954; 4th National President Marion H. Jackson, Gamma Chapter, 1954-1958; 5th National President, Florence Madison Hill, Beta Omicron, 1958-1962; 12th National President, Dr. Evelyn Sears Peevy, Alpha Chi Chapter, 1983-1985; 19th National President, Charlotte M. Maull, 2003-2007 and the 20th National President, Dr. Doris Browning Austin, Kappa Chapter, 2007-2011.