A Message from Our Director

Dr. Audrey Douglas-Cooke
On behalf of the outstanding Sorors in the Eastern Region of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., Welcome! My name is Dr. Audrey Douglas-Cooke and I serve as the 25th Eastern Regional Director. We welcome professional women whose aims and aspirations reflect a willingness to collaborate with other females who represent a plethora of professional careersincluding business entrepreneurs. Our foundational principles are built on an interwoven platform of sisterhood, service, community, and cohesiveness. Our key overarching goal remains seeking ways in which we can continue to meet and/or exceed the mission of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. The Eastern Region encompasses the following geographic areas: -
❖ Connecticut
❖ Delaware
❖ District of Columbia
❖ Maine
❖ Maryland
❖ Massachusetts
❖ New Jersey
❖ New York
❖ Pennsylvania
❖ Rhodesia Island
❖ Virgin Island
❖ Vermont
❖ Virginia
❖ West Virginia
As you peruse our website, do take the time to reflect on our Mission, Signature Programs & Projects as well as our National Theme. These core elements have successfully guided our chapters in the Eastern Region.
Founded by Lola Mercedes Parker in 1929, Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., remains a pillar of strength radiating excellence in leadership, togetherness in partnerships, and resilience in community service. Join us, as we continue to demonstrate why the Eastern Region of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is efficient & proficient in sustaining professional excellence!


Career Exploration


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